
politics, hypocrisy and meanness in public affairs, alligators, anti-empire-ism, occasional personal stuff

Friday, June 04, 2010

Let me see if I understand this ...

American citizen is murdered by commandos who rappel from a helicopter, armed, in open sea, and shoot the victim FOUR TIMES IN THE HEAD - and once in the chest - so The Prez:
1. Raises holy hell with the country that ordered this attack,
2. Sends attack jets off nearest U.S. aircraft carrier to intercept, stop or destroy the platform off which the atttack was initiated
3. Demands that all involved be brought "to justice" - or there will be war,
4. Starts lining up a coalition of the willing, to punish the country that killed the American, or
5. Holds an extravaganza honoring a British rock star and states he (He?) hopes that there will be a full and fair investigation of the matter [only applies in the case of the unnamed country being Israel].

Pick an answer.


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