
politics, hypocrisy and meanness in public affairs, alligators, anti-empire-ism, occasional personal stuff

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Auld lang syne

Spent part of the day in Butler, Missouri, where I lived in 1st and 2nd grades, long years ago. The house is still there, looking about as bad as it did then ... and I'm not kidding, there. The house is very old, probably civil war times. The owner invited us in, and we got to see my bedroom, the living room, dining room, bathroom and kitchen. It looks just as I remembered it, but the old servant (slave?) quarters and detached kitchen are gone. The town and its square look terrific, only two empty storefronts in the whole square. Got a haircut by the barber who said he'd been cutting hair there since 1951.


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