
politics, hypocrisy and meanness in public affairs, alligators, anti-empire-ism, occasional personal stuff

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tweets from an Egyptian blogger I've been following -

Read from the bottom:
They will never agree to a fully civil state, which is what the people want, and they have all the guns. We just have each other.

Now, they are trying their hardest to secure a dignified exit for their commander in chief, not for any reason than their survival
A VP that used to run his intelligence services and a PM who sued to be an army general. The Army is in control, & it ain't leaving
The army runs this country, and they are the pillars that his rule stands on. He knows this more than anyone, hence his appointments.
If there is one problem with the jan 25 protests, it's that they are not leaving the Military with a clear exit strategy.


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